
支付宝内搜索 9155838 即可领现金红包 每天都能领哦

获得指定长度的标题名称' *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' * 函数:GetString
' * 描述:获得指定长度的标题名称
' * 参数:所取标题相应调用语句str,显示文字的个数n
' * 返回:以n为显示文字个数的str
' * 日期:2005/6/5
' *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetString(str,n)
dim str,n,l,t,ln
for i=1 to l
if c>255 then
end if
if t>=ln then
exit for
GetString=str&" "
end if
response.write GetString
End Function

'if mid(server_v1,8,len(server_v2))<>server_v2 then
'response.write "<script>alert('您出错了!!!\n禁止从外部提交数据');history.go(-1);</Script>"
'end if


Sub ExpirePage Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" End Sub 在文件的开头调用 <!--#include file="inc/conn.asp"--> <%call expirepage()%> 就OK了. 再配合 <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>alert('==返回啦=='); javascript:history.go(-1)</SCRIPT> 更爽!!

获得文件扩展名 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:GetExtend ' * 描述:获得文件扩展名 ' * 参数:文件全名 ' * 返回:文件扩展名 ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetExtend(filename) dim tmp if filename<>"" then tmp=mid(filename,instrrev(filename,".")+1,len(filename)-instrrev(filename,".")) tmp=LCase(tmp) if instr(1,tmp,"asp")>0 or instr(1,tmp,"php")>0 or instr(1,tmp,"php3")>0 or instr(1,tmp,"aspx")>0 then getextend="txt" else getextend=tmp end if else getextend="" end if end function

检测参数是否有SQL危险字符 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:CheckIn ' * 描述:检测参数是否有SQL危险字符 ' * 参数:str要检测的数据 ' * 返回:FALSE:安全 TRUE:不安全 ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CheckIn(str) if instr(1,str,chr(39))>0 or instr(1,str,chr(34))>0 or instr(1,str,chr(59))>0 then CheckIn=true else CheckIn=false end if end function 在客户端显示消息框 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:alertm ' * 描述:在客户端显示消息框 ' * 参数:message:要显示的信息 ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub alertm(message) message = replace(message,"'","'") Response.Write ("<script>alert('" & message & "')</script>") End Sub 在客户端返回上一页 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:GoBack ' * 描述:在客户端返回上一页 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GoBack() Response.write ("<script>history.go(-1)</script>") End Sub 重定向另外的连接 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:Go ' * 描述:重定向另外的连接 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Go(url) Response.write ("<script>location.href('" & url & "')</script>") End Sub 按指定秒数重定向另外的连接 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:GoPage ' * 描述:按指定秒数重定向另外的连接 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GoPage(url,s) s=s*1000 Response.Write "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>" Response.Write "window.setTimeout("&chr(34)&"window.navigate('"&url&"')"&chr(34)&","&s&")" Response.Write "</script>" end sub 判断数字是否整形

' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:isInteger ' * 描述:判断数字是否整形 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isInteger(para) on error resume next dim str dim l,i if isNUll(para) then isInteger=false exit function end if str=cstr(para) if trim(str)="" then isInteger=false exit function end if l=len(str) for i=1 to l if mid(str,i,1)>"9" or mid(str,i,1)<"0" then isInteger=false exit function end if next isInteger=true if err.number<>0 then err.clear end function 过滤HTML代码 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:HTMLEncode ' * 描述:过滤HTML代码 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HTMLEncode(fString) if not isnull(fString) then fString = replace(fString, ">", ">") fString = replace(fString, "<", "<") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(32), " ") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(9), " ") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(34), """) fString = Replace(fString, CHR(39), "'") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(13), "") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</P><P> ") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), "<BR> ") HTMLEncode = fString end if end function 过滤表单字符 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:HTMLcode ' * 描述:过滤表单字符 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HTMLcode(fString) if not isnull(fString) then fString = Replace(fString, CHR(13), "") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</P><P>") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(34), "") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), "<BR>") HTMLcode = fString end if end function 解决过滤

' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:HTMLREM ' * 描述:解决过滤 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HTMLREM(fString) if not isnull(fString) then fString = Replace(fString, CHR(13), "") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), "") fString=ReplaceSpace(fString) fString=HTMLEncode(fString) HTMLREM = fString end if end function 替换所有相连空格为单空格 ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' * 函数:ReplaceSpace ' * 描述:替换所有相连空格为单空格 ' * 参数:-- ' * 返回:-- ' * 作者: ' * 日期: ' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ReplaceSpace(content) content=trim(content) if content="" then replacespace="" else while not instr(1,content," ")=0 content=Replace(content," "," ") wend replacespace=content end if end function rem 将字串处理成sql中语句的一部分之搜索条件 function StrToSql_or(content,field) content=trim(content) if content="" then strtosql_or="" else ' and strtosql_or=field & " like '%" & replace(content," ","%' or " & field & " like '%") & "%'" end if end function rem 将字串处理成sql中语句的一部分之搜索日期 function StrToSql_Date(searchdate,field) searchdate=clng(searchdate) select case searchdate case 0 StrToSql_Date="" case 1 StrToSql_Date=field & " between '" & dateadd("ww",-1,date()) & "' and '" & date() & "'" case 2 StrToSql_Date=field & " between '" & dateadd("m",-1,date()) & "' and '" & date() & "'" case 3 StrToSql_Date=field & " between '" & dateadd("q",-1,date()) & "' and '" & date() & "'" case 4 StrToSql_Date=field & " between '" & dateadd("yyyy",-1,date()) & "' and '" & date() & "'" end select end function function StrToSql_Date2(field) dim date_Previous,date_next date_previous=dateadd("d",-(Weekday(date(),2)-1),(date() & " 1:00:00")) date_next=dateadd("d",(7-Weekday(date(),2)),(date() & " 23:59:59")) StrToSql_Date2=field & " between '" & date_previous & "' and '" & date_next & "'" end function rem 字符截断 function Strfix(content,n) content=trim(content) if len(content)>n then Strfix=left(content,n) & "..." else Strfix=content end if end function rem 字符串处理-截断(新闻) function StrNewfix(content) content=trim(content) if len(content)>27 then strnewfix=left(content,27) & "..." else strnewfix=content end if end function 身份证号码验证函数 Function CheckIDCard(sStr, ByVal dDate, ByVal nSex) CheckIDCard = "False" If IsNull(sStr) or sStr = "" Then Exit Function If Not IsDate(dDate) or dDate = "" Then Exit Function If Not IsNumeric(nSex) or nSex = "" Then Exit Function Dim orE, sDate Set orE= New RegExp orE.IgnoreCase= True orE.Global= True nSex= CInt(nSex Mod 2) sDate= Year(dDate) & DblNum(Month(dDate)) & DblNum(Day(dDate)) select Case Len(sStr) Case 8 If DateDiff("yyyy", dDate, Date()) < 19 Then Exit Function orE.Pattern= "^[\d]{8}$" If Not orE.Test(sStr) Then Exit Function If sStr <> sDate Then Exit Function Case 15 orE.Pattern= "^[\d]{15}$" If Not orE.Test(sStr) Then Exit Function If Mid(sStr, 7, 6) <> Right(sDate, 6) Then Exit Function If CInt(Mid(sStr, 14, 1)) Mod 2 <> nSex Then Exit Function Case 18 orE.Pattern= "^(:[\d]{18}|[\d]{17}X)$" If Not orE.Test(sStr) Then Exit Function If Mid(sStr, 7, 8) <> sDate Then Exit Function If CInt(Mid(sStr, 17, 1)) Mod 2 <> nSex Then Exit Function Dim nN, aW, aC, nL nN = 0 aW = Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2) aC = Array("1", "0", "X", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2") For nL = 1 To 17 nN = nN + CInt(Mid(sStr, nL, 1)) * aW(nL - 1) Next If UCase(Right(sStr, 1)) <> aC(nN Mod 11) Then Exit Function Case Else Exit Function End select Set orE= Nothing CheckIDCard = "True" End Function Function DblNum(nNum) DblNum = nNum If DblNum <10 Then DblNum = "0" & DblNum End Function rem 计算字符长度时,把一个中文字符当作两个字字符,一个英文字符当作一个字符Function checkstr(str) num=Len(str) Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.Pattern = "[^ -~]" regEx.Global = True Set Matches = regEx.Execute(str) For Each Match in Matches num=num+1 Next checkstr=num End Function 一个URLDeCode的例子 Function URLDecode(enStr) dim deStr dim c,i,v deStr="" for i=1 to len(enStr) c=Mid(enStr,i,1) if c="%" then v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)) if v<128 then deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+2 else if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i,3)) then if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i+3,3)) then v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+Mid(enStr,i+4,2)) deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+5 else v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+cstr(hex(asc(Mid(enStr,i+3,1))))) deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+3 end if else destr=destr&c end if end if else if c="+" then deStr=deStr&" " else deStr=deStr&c end if end if next URLDecode=deStr end function function isvalidhex(str) isvalidhex=true str=ucase(str) if len(str)<>3 then isvalidhex=false:exit function if left(str,1)<>"%" then isvalidhex=false:exit function c=mid(str,2,1) if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function c=mid(str,3,1) if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function end function response.write URLDeCode("%81W") 利用流保存文件

'***************************************************************** ' function ' 作用 :利用流保存文件 ' 参数 :from(远程文件地址),tofile(保存文件位置) '***************************************************************** Private Function SaveFiles(byref from,byref tofile) Dim Datas Datas=GetData(from,0) Response.Write "保存成功:<font color=red>"&formatnumber(len(Datas)/1024*2,2)&"</font>Kb" response.Flush if formatnumber(len(Datas)/1024*2,2)>1 then ADOS.Type = 1 ADOS.Mode =3 ADOS.Open ADOS.write Datas ADOS.SaveToFile server.mappath(tofile),2 ADOS.Close() else Response.Write "保存失败:<font color=red>文件大小"&formatnumber(len(imgs)/1024*2,2)&"Kb,小于1K</font>" response.Flush end if end function 利用fso检测文件是否存在

'***************************************************************** ' function(私有) ' 作用 :利用fso检测文件是否存在,存在返回true,不存在返回false ' 参数 :filespes(文件位置) '***************************************************************** Private Function IsExists(byref filespec) If (FSO.FileExists(server.MapPath(filespec))) Then IsExists = True Else IsExists = False End If End Function 利用fso检测文件夹是否存在

'***************************************************************** ' function(私有) ' 作用 :利用fso检测文件夹是否存在,存在返回true,不存在返回false ' 参数 :folder(文件夹位置) '***************************************************************** Private Function IsFolder(byref Folder) If FSO.FolderExists(server.MapPath(Folder)) Then IsFolder = True Else IsFolder = False End If End Function 利用fso创建文件夹'***************************************************************** ' function(私有) ' 作用 :利用fso创建文件夹 ' 参数 :fldr(文件夹位置) '***************************************************************** Private Function createFolder(byref fldr) Dim f Set f = FSO.createFolder(Server.MapPath(fldr)) createFolder = f.Path Set f=nothing End Function 保存文件,并自动创建多级文件夹 '***************************************************************** ' function(公有) ' 作用 :保存文件,并自动创建多级文件夹 ' 参数 :fromurl(远程文件地址),tofiles (保存位置) '***************************************************************** Public Function SaveData(byref FromUrl,byref ToFiles) ToFiles=trim(Replace(ToFiles,"//","/")) flName=ToFiles fldr="" If IsExists(flName)=false then GetNewsFold=split(flName,"/") For i=0 to Ubound(GetNewsFold)-1 if fldr="" then fldr=GetNewsFold(i) else fldr=fldr&"\"&GetNewsFold(i) end if If IsFolder(fldr)=false then createFolder fldr End if Next SaveFiles FromUrl,flName End if End function

取得远程数据 '***************************************************************** ' function(公有) ' 作用 :取得远程数据 ' 参数 :url(远程文件地址),getmode (模式:0为二进制,1为中文编码) '***************************************************************** Public Function GetData(byref url,byref GetMode) 'on error resume next SourceCode = ("GET",url,false) OXML.send() if OXML.readystate<>4 then exit function if GetMode=0 then GetData = OXML.responseBody else GetData = BytesToBstr(OXML.responseBody) end if if err.number<>0 then err.Clear End Function 格式化远程图片地址为本地位置 '***************************************************************** ' function(公有) ' 作用 :格式化远程图片地址为本地位置 ' 参数 :imgurl(远程图片地址),imgfolder (本地图片目录),fristname(加入的前缀名称) '***************************************************************** Public Function FormatImgPath(byref ImgUrl,byref ImgFolder,byref FristName,byref noimg) strpath="" ImgUrl=ImgUrl if instr(ImgUrl,"Nophoto") or lenb(GetData(ImgUrl,0))<=0 then strpath=noimg Response.Write "<a href="&strpath&">"&strpath&"</a>" &vbcrlf else if Instr(ImgUrl,".asp") then strpath=FristName&"_"&Mid(ImgUrl, InStrRev(ImgUrl, "=")+1)&".jpg" else strpath=FristName&"_"&Mid(ImgUrl, InStrRev(ImgUrl, "/")+1) end if strpath = ImgFolder&"/"&strpath strpath = Replace(strpath,"//","/") if left(strpath,1)="/" then strpath=right(strpath,len(strpath)-1) strpath = trim(strpath) Response.Write "<a href="&strpath&">"&strpath&"</a>" &vbcrlf savedata ImgUrl,strpath end if FormatImgPath = strpath End function CInt() FUNCTION: 将一个表达式转化为数字类型 SYNTAX: CInt(expression) ARGUMENTS: 任何有效的字符均可 EXAMPLE: <% f = "234" response.write cINT(f) + 2 %> RESULT: 236 转化字符"234"为数字"234",如果字符串为空,则返回0值 CreateObject() FUNCTION: 建立和返回一个已注册的ACTIVEX组件的实例。 SYNTAX: CreateObject(objName) ARGUMENTS: objName 是任何一个有效、已注册的ACTIVEX组件的名字. EXAMPLE: <% Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") %> RESULT: CStr() FUNCTION: 转化一个表达式为字符串. SYNTAX: CStr(expression) ARGUMENTS: expression 是任何有效的表达式。 EXAMPLE: <% s = 3 + 2 response.write "The result is: " & cStr(s) %> RESULT: 转化数字“5”为字符“5”。 Date() FUNCTION: 返回当前系统日期. SYNTAX: Date()[/B] ARGUMENTS: None. EXAMPLE: <%=Date%> RESULT: 8/4/99 DateAdd() FUNCTION: 返回一个被改变了的日期。 SYNTAX: DateAdd(timeinterval,number,date) ARGUMENTS: timeinterval是时间单位(月,日..); number是时间间隔值,date是时间始点. EXAMPLE: <% currentDate = #8/4/99# newDate = DateAdd("m",3,currentDate) response.write newDate %> <% currentDate = #12:34:45 PM# newDate = DateAdd("h",3,currentDate) response.write newDate %> RESULT: 11/4/99 3:34:45 PM "m" = "month"; "d" = "day"; If currentDate is in time format then, "h" = "hour"; "s" = "second"; DateDiff() FUNCTION: 返回两个日期之间的差值 。 SYNTAX: DateDiff(timeinterval,date1,date2 [, firstdayofweek [, firstweekofyear>>) ARGUMENTS: timeinterval 表示相隔时间的类型,如“M“表示“月”。 EXAMPLE: <% fromDate = #8/4/99# toDate = #1/1/2000# response.write "There are " & _ DateDiff("d",fromDate,toDate) & _ " days to millenium from 8/4/99." %> RESULT: 从8/4/99 到2000年还有 150 天. Day() FUNCTION: 返回一个月的第几日 . SYNTAX: Day(date) ARGUMENTS: date 是任何有效的日期。 EXAMPLE: <%=Day(#8/4/99#)%> RESULT: 4 FormatCurrency() FUNCTION: 返回表达式,此表达式已被格式化为货币值 SYNTAX: FormatCurrency(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit>>>>) ARGUMENTS: Digit 指示小数点右侧显示位数的数值。默认值为 -1,指示使用的是计算机的区域设置; LeadingDigit 三态常数,指示是否显示小数值小数点前面的零。 EXAMPLE: <%=FormatCurrency(34.3456)%> RESULT: $34.35 FormatDateTime() FUNCTION: 返回表达式,此表达式已被格式化为日期或时间 SYNTAX: FormatDateTime(Date, [, NamedFormat>) ARGUMENTS: NamedFormat 指示所使用的日期/时间格式的数值,如果省略,则使用 vbGeneralDate. EXAMPLE: <%=FormatDateTime("08/4/99", vbLongDate)%> RESULT: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 FormatNumber() FUNCTION: 返回表达式,此表达式已被格式化为数值. SYNTAX: FormatNumber(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit>>>>) ARGUMENTS: Digit 指示小数点右侧显示位数的数值。默认值为 -1,指示使用的是计算机的区域设置。; LeadingDigit i指示小数点右侧显示位数的数值。默认值为 -1,指示使用的是计算机的区域设置。; Paren 指示小数点右侧显示位数的数值。默认值为 -1,指示使用的是计算机的区域设置。; GroupDigit i指示小数点右侧显示位数的数值。默认值为 -1,指示使用的是计算机的区域设置。. EXAMPLE: <%=FormatNumber(45.324567, 3)%> RESULT: 45.325 FormatPercent() FUNCTION: 返回表达式,此表达式已被格式化为尾随有 % 符号的百分比(乘以 100 )。 (%) SYNTAX: FormatPercent(Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit>>>>) ARGUMENTS: 同上. EXAMPLE: <%=FormatPercent(0.45267, 3)%> RESULT: 45.267% Hour() FUNCTION: 以24时返回小时数. SYNTAX: Hour(time) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Hour(#4:45:34 PM#)%> RESULT: 16 (Hour has been converted to 24-hour system) Instr() FUNCTION: 返回字符或字符串在另一个字符串中第一次出现的位置. SYNTAX: Instr([start, > strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare>) ARGUMENTS: Start为搜索的起始值,strToBeSearched接受搜索的字符串 strSearchFor要搜索的字符compare 比较方式(详细见ASP常数) EXAMPLE: <% strText = "This is a test!!" pos = Instr(strText, "a") response.write pos %> RESULT: 9 InstrRev() FUNCTION: 同上,只是从字符串的最后一个搜索起 SYNTAX: InstrRev([start, > strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare>) ARGUMENTS: 同上. EXAMPLE: <% strText = "This is a test!!" pos = InstrRev(strText, "s") response.write pos %> RESULT: 13 Int() FUNCTION: 返回数值类型,不四舍五入。 SYNTAX: Int(number) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=INT(32.89)%> RESULT: 32 IsArray() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为数组,返回布尔值 . SYNTAX: IsArray(name) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "Test!" response.write IsArray(strTest) %> RESULT: False IsDate() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为日期,返回布尔值 SYNTAX: IsDate(expression) ARGUMENTS: expression 是任意的变量. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "8/4/99" response.write IsDate(strTest) %> RESULT: True IsEmpty() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否初始化,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsEmpty(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Dim i response.write IsEmpty(i) %> RESULT: True IsNull() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为空,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsNull(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Dim i response.write IsNull(i) %> RESULT: False IsNumeric()[/B] FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为数字,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsNumeric(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% i = "345" response.write IsNumeric(i) %> RESULT: True 就算数字加了引号,ASP还是认为它是数字。 IsObject() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为对象,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsObject(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") response.write IsObject(con) %> RESULT: True LBound() FUNCTION: 返回指定数组维的最小可用下标. SYNTAX: Lbound(arrayname [, dimension>) ARGUMENTS: dimension 指明要返回哪一维下界的整数。使用 1 表示第一维,2 表示第二维,以此类 推。如果省略 dimension 参数,默认值为 1. EXAMPLE: <% i = Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday") response.write LBound(i) %> RESULT: 0 LCase() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的小写形式 SYNTAX: Lcase(string) ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write LCase(strTest) %> RESULT: this is a test! Left() FUNCTION: 返回字符串左边第length个字符以前的字符(含第length个字符). SYNTAX: Left(string, length) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write Left(strTest, 3) %> RESULT: Thi Len() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的长度. SYNTAX: Len(string | varName) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write Len(strTest) %> RESULT: 15 LTrim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串左边的空格. SYNTAX: LTrim(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = " This is a test!" response.write LTrim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test! Mid() FUNCTION: 返回特定长度的字符串(从start开始,长度为length). SYNTAX: Mid(string, start [, length>) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test! Today is Monday." response.write Mid(strTest, 17, 5) %> RESULT: Today Minute() FUNCTION: 返回时间的分钟。 SYNTAX: Minute(time) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Minute(#12:45:32 PM#)%> RESULT: 45 Month() FUNCTION: 返回一数值, 表示月份  SYNTAX: Month(time) ARGUMENTS: time是日期变量  EXAMPLE: <%=Month(#08/04/99#)%> RESULT: 8 MonthName() FUNCTION: 返回月份的字符串(名称). SYNTAX: Monthname(date [,abb]) ARGUMENTS: date是日期变量,abb=true时 则月份的缩写, EXAMPLE: <%=MonthName(Month(#08/04/99#))%> RESULT: August Now() FUNCTION: 返回系统的当前时间和日期。 SYNTAX: Now()[/B] ARGUMENTS: None EXAMPLE: <%=Now%> RESULT: 8/4/99 9:30:16 AM Replace() FUNCTION: 在字符串中查找,替代指定的字符串. SYNTAX: replace(strtobesearched,strsearchfor,strreplacewith [,start[,count[,compare]]])  ARGUMENTS: strtobesearched是字符串; strsearchfor是被查找的子字符串;strreplacewith 是用来替代的子字符串.start,count,compare 是任意选项 EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is an apple!" response.write Replace(strTest, "apple", "orange") %> RESULT: This is an orange! Right() FUNCTION: 返回字符串右边第length个字符以前的字符(含第length个字符). SYNTAX: Right(string, length) ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is an test!" response.write Right(strTest, 3) %> RESULT: st! Rnd() FUNCTION: 产生一个随机数. SYNTAX: Rnd [ (number) > ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Randomize()[/B] response.write RND()[/B] %> RESULT: 任何一个在0 到 1 之间的数 Round() FUNCTION: 返回按指定位数进行四舍五入的数值. SYNTAX: Round(expression [, numRight>) ARGUMENTS: numRight数字表明小数点右边有多少位进行四舍五入。如果省略,则 Round 函数返回整数. EXAMPLE: <% i = 32.45678 response.write Round(i) %> RESULT: 32 Rtrim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串右边的字符串. SYNTAX: Rtrim(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!! " response.write RTrim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test!! Second() FUNCTION: 返回秒. SYNTAX: Second(time) ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <%=Second(#12:34:28 PM#)%> RESULT: 28 StrReverse() FUNCTION: 反排一字符串 SYNTAX: StrReverse(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!!" response.write StrReverse(strTest) %> RESULT: !!tset a si sihT Time() FUNCTION: 返回系统时间. SYNTAX: Time()[/B] ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <%=Time%> RESULT: 9:58:28 AM Trim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串左右的空格. SYNTAX: Trim(string) ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = " This is a test!! " response.write Trim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test!! UBound() FUNCTION: 返回指定数组维数的最大可用下标. SYNTAX: Ubound(arrayname [, dimension>) ARGUMENTS: dimension (optional) 指定返回哪一维上界的整数。1 表示第一维,2 表示第二维,以此类推。如果省略 dimension 参数,则默认值为 1. EXAMPLE: <% i = Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday") response.write UBound(i) %> RESULT: 2 UCase() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的大写形式. SYNTAX: UCase(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!!" response.write UCase(strTest) %> RESULT: THIS IS A TEST!! VarType() FUNCTION: 返回指示变量子类型的值 SYNTAX: VarType(varName) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% i = 3 response.write varType(i) %> RESULT: 2(数字)详见"asp常数" WeekDay() FUNCTION: 返回在一周的第几天. SYNTAX: WeekDay(date [, firstdayofweek>) ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <% d = #8/4/99# response.write Weekday(d) %> RESULT: 4(星期三) WeekDayName() FUNCTION: 返回一周第几天的名字. SYNTAX: WeekDayName(weekday [, Abb [, firstdayofweek>>) ARGUMENTS: Abb可选。Boolean 值,指明是否缩写表示星期各天的名称。如果省略, 默认值为 False,即不缩写星期各天的名称.firstdayofweek指明星期第一天的数值 EXAMPLE: <% d = #8/4/99# response.write WeekdayName(Weekday(d)) %> RESULT: Wednesday Year() FUNCTION: 返回当前的年份. SYNTAX: Year(date) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Year(#8/4/99#)%> RESULT: 1999 函数Mod() FUNCTION:取余数. EXAMPLE:3 Mod 2  RESULT:1

